A specially developed formula that:
- Kills most common household insects ON CONTACT when sprayed directly.
- Suitable for use on both flying and crawling insects -flies, mosquitoes, moths, wasps, cockroaches, ants, spiders, silverfish, fleas, bed bugs, millipedes and centipedes.
- Kills & keeps on killing mosquitoes and cockroaches that touch treated surfaces for up to 24 hours
- Two powerful jet sprays for fast and wide coverage
- A micro-mist of fine particles for a wide zone of protection
- SHAKE WELL BEFORE EACH USE: Point spray nozzle away from face and press button, holding container as upright as possible.
TO KILL FLYING INSECTS: For instant knockdown, spray directly at the flying insects, keeping about 1 metre from internal walls, fabrics and furniture.
TO KILL CRAWLING INSECTS: Spray these insects directly or spray hiding places like behind refrigerators, sinks and stoves. Spray until surface is moist. Avoid contact before the surface dries. Repeat as necessary.
FOR TREATMENT OF AN AVERAGE SIZED ROOM (30 cubic metres): Close all doors and windows. Spray up into the air in a slow sweeping motion for 8-10 seconds, starting from the middle of the room and backing toward the door. Direct the spray to all areas of the room, keeping about 1 metre from the interior walls, fabrics and furniture. Do not remain in treated area. Keep room closed for 15 minutes and then ventilate the room thoroughly.
FOR SURFACE TREATMENT: For mosquitoes and cockroaches, spray screens, around doors and windows from about 0.5 metres where they enter and land. It is recommended to check for potential staining and damage in an inconspicuous space before complete treatment.