4 Tablets
Rootox Sewer Pipe Root Control
Roots can be troublesome and reach into areas you wouldn’t expect such as your sewer pipes, but with Rootox Sewer Pipe Root Control you’ll be sure to avoid long-lasting damage with just a simple flush!
Controls roots in sewer pipes in and around the home. Roots will find their way into old piping and eventually block the pipe, causing further blockages. Easy to use, just drop one in the toilet and flush it down!
How to Use
Flush down the toilet last thing at night. You may add a bucket of water if the flushing pressure is insufficient. Ensure that the tablet is flushed out of the toilet bowl and into the pipe. do not use in sinks or tub drains. Harmless to trees or shrubs. Will not harm septic tanks when used as directed.
Initial Application
Use one tablet of Rootox per week for the first 4 weeks. Afterwards to maintain a root-controlled sewer, use 1 or 2 tablets per month as required. Heavily wooded or previously blocked systems may require a more frequent application to control growth.