3 Drippers X 30mL
Ready to use liquid plant food drippers, specially formulated to help you easily feed your indoor plants. Yates Thrive Indoor Plants & Ferns Liquid Plant Food Drippers provides a gentle feed for healthy leaves and flowers. Each dripper contains the right NPK balance to feed your indoor plants and ferns for 4 weeks. To use the dripper, simply snip off the tip of the dripper and insert into the potting mix of your pot plant.
- Easy to use liquid plant food dripper – no measuring or mixing required
- Suitable for indoor plants & ferns
- Push, feed and forget - To use the dripper, simply snip off the tip of the dripper and insert into the potting mix of your pot plant
- Each dripper contains the right NPK balance to feed your plant for 4 weeks (even if the dripper empties sooner)
- Effective NPK for Indoor Plants & Ferns – no need to dilute
- Size: 3 drippers x 30 mL
- NPK 0.71: 0.11: 0.70 plus blend of 6 trace elements
How to Use:
Directions for Use:
- Water pot before inserting dripper.
- Carefully snip off the tip of the dripper as indicated by the cut line.
- Do not cut into the upper wide tube area.
- Insert dripper at the edge of the pot.
- Do not insert right next to plant stem.
- For large pots, 40 cm and larger, use 2 drippers.
- Replace every month.
TIP: Write the start date on the dripper so you know when to feed next
- Keep out of reach of children and pets.
- Store in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight, ideally between 6 and 35*C.